Two suspects arrested on Samui Island selling crystal methamphetamine online

Samui Island, Surat Thani –

Two suspects were arrested on Samui Island after selling crystal methamphetamine online.

The Samui District Chief Mr. Chayaphon Intarasupa told the associated Thai media, “We have received a tip-off that a Mr. Hong was selling drugs to teenagers in the area via online (Facebook).”

“Officers held a sting operation to buy a bag of crystal methamphetamine for 2,400 Baht. The suspect, named Mr. Settaphon or Ohm, 45, delivered the drugs at a gas station. Ohm admitted he delivered drugs for Mr. Jakkrapong, 36, or Hong. Hong was later arrested at his home with 34 grams of crystal methamphetamine.”

“Hong and Ohm admitted they bought the drugs a from Mr. Bao to sell. They are facing charges of illegal possession of Category 1 Drugs with intent to sell. Ohm is facing additional charges of driving a vehicle under the influence and testing positive for drugs.” Chaiyaphon concluded.

The full names of the suspects were not provided by Chaiyaphon to the media.


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Goongnang Suksawat
Goong Nang is a News Translator who has worked professionally for multiple news organizations in Thailand for many years and has worked with The Pattaya News for five years. Specializes primarily in local news for Phuket, Pattaya, and also some national news, with emphasis on translation between Thai to English and working as an intermediary between reporters and English-speaking writers. Originally from Nakhon Si Thammarat, but lives in Phuket and Krabi except when commuting between the three.