Hello, Phuket Express Readers and Supporters!
The following is our weekly feature in which we highlight the top local stories in our area Phuket, from the past week. The number of stories differs from week to week.
These are chosen and curated by our editorial team and are designed for our readers to get a quick “catch-up” of important stories they may have missed. We publish many stories daily and it is easy to lose track of important events or changes in our area. We do national recaps in a separate article, this is only the top local stories in Phuket province.
They are in no particular order of importance but roughly in order of publishing. These are from Monday, June 13th, 2022, to Sunday, June 19th, 2022.
Let’s get started and see what the top local stories were!
- Two bar operators were arrested for allegedly breaking Phuket orders and Covid-19 measurements. Rawai law enforcement warned further raids were coming and that the focus was on Covid19 precautions like ensuring customers and staff were vaccinated, social distancing, mask wearing, and other measures.
- Indian tourists are number one in tourist arrivals in Phuket with a total number of 39,749 since the unpopular Test and Go program was dropped on May 1st, says Phuket Immigration.
Phuket International Airport Immigration reported the current arrival statistics on June 13th.
Mr. Tanakorn Kongboonchana, the spokesman from the Thai Prime Minister’s Office told the associated Thai press, “These projects are aimed to prepare and attract more Thai and foreign tourists in the future.”
The Phuket Provincial Public Health Chief Doctor Kusak Kukiattikoon told The Phuket Express, “People who don’t have any health problems should not use cannabis, however, especially for intoxication”
He came from Ethiopia and arrived in Phuket June 9th, 2022. No illegal items were found in his luggage but he was acting nervous and customs officials became suspicious and asked the man to submit to an X-ray, where they found cocaine packets inside his abdomen instead.
That is all for this week, as always thanks for your support!
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